Welcome to this Hub of Super-resolution Microscopy (srm.epfl.ch), which had its origins as the main resource for the 2 Grand Challenges:
software benchmarking of SMLM localization software in both 2D (2013) and 3D (2016).
Over time, this platform has evolved to encompass a broader spectrum,
hosting reference datasets in various modalities such as SOFI and correlative microscopy.
Additionally, it includes supplementary computational tools, clustering analysis, SMLM rendering, and metric analysis.
References SMLM
- Challenge SMLM 2D D. Sage et al., Nature Methods 2015
- Challenge SMLM 3D D. Sage et al., Nature Methods 2019
- SRM Fight Club S. Holden et al., Nature Photonics, 2016
- Virtual SMLMJ. Griffié et al., biorxiv, 2020
- Cluster Analysis D.J Nieves et al., Nature Methods, 2023
References SOFI
- Spectral cumulants SOFI K. Grussmayer et al., Nat. Comm. 2020
- Multiplane SOFI K. Grussmayer et al., ACS Nano 2020
- Correlative Ion/SOFI V. Navikas et al., Nat. Comm, 2021
- Adaptive optics SRM V. Navikas et al. Nanophotonics 2021
- Combination SIM SOFI A. Descloux et al., ACS Photonics, 2021
Super-Resolution Microscopy Hub
This hub was initially developped by Adrien Descloux in the context of the EPFL Open Science Initiative. Two EPFL laboratories LBEN (Aleksandra Radenovic) and LIB (Daniel Sage) have built a comprehensive platform for researchers in the field of super-resolution microsocpy. This SRM HUB provides benchmarking resources, including reference datasets, scientific evaluation of the image reconstruction process, assessment tools, interactive data exploration. It promotes transparency and reproducibility of complex procedures both for the end-users and for engineers developing new methods.